PTA Home Workouts

The health of our players, coaches, their families and our community is very important to us. Due to the current crisis created by the COVID 19 virus, PTA will be closed at least through Friday, 3/27 and possibly longer.  

That said, we are very proud of the work our athletes have put in this off season and in an effort to help all of our athletes continue to improve, we have put together a few basic workouts that can be done in your home or your yard.  

Please click on the links below to access the exact drills, sets and reps recommended by the PTA Coaching staff. Further, we put together a few videos to help ensure you have a resource in the event you need help remembering how to do one of our drills. Be sure to scroll all the way to the bottom for 9 videos on how to perform the Speed & Agility portion of the workouts!

Stay healthy and continue to work hard so you can experience the success you have been working for when we do get the opportunity to get out and play ball!!!


In order to do these drills you will need a bat, baseballs or wiffle balls and a batting tee or parent / sibling.

If you have a net to hit into and a batting tee, you can do these drills on your own.

If you have a batting tee but do not have a net, simply hit wiffle balls off the tee either in your basement or yard.

If you do not have a batting tee, these drills can be done using side soft toss with whiffle balls tossed by a parent or sibling.


This video shows fielding drills that our players should be doing everyday. It is very easy to do these drills at home.

In order to do these drills you will need a glove, ball and either a concrete basement wall or a parent/sibling.



This video shows different drills that can be done in your basement or yard to work on footwork as an outfielder.

You will need a glove, baseball and a parent / sibling to do these drills.


This video details the sequence of throwing drills you should be doing to get loose when playing catch or preparing to throw a bullpen and play long toss.

In order to do these drills, you will need a ball, glove and a parent or sibling. If you have a net, you can also do these drills by throwing into a net.


This video demonstrates several different pitching drills that pitchers can do to continue improve their mechanics.

To do these drills you will need a glove, ball, catch net or parent / sibling.  


Please click on the Speed & Agility workout button above to open the pdf with the recommended exercises, sets and reps. These can be done in your basement, your yard or at a park. Please be sure to rest for 1 day in between workouts. Each days recommended exercises have been broken down into 3 segments and each day has 3 videos to demonstrate the exercises in each segment.

Keep working hard PTA!